Sunday, August 22, 2010

A quick intro...

Well as you can see I am obviously new to this whole blog scene but it gives me something to ramble on and if you're reading then you are somewhat interested...soooo read on! Anyhoot, a quick intro into my world, I am Natalie a woman in her late 20's living in a very small quiet town in Texas!! I have a beautiful 7 year old daughter (Kenzie) & a husband (Daniel) who loves us more than I can imagine! We recently found out that we are expecting a new bambino in February the De Leon household is getting things ready (it's a slow process) for our new addition. Kenzie keeps us busy between school functions, softball practices, 4H and her general craziness. We have 2 big fat lazy dogs (Crackers & Bailey Jo) that Kenzie is oh so mean to and they pretty much rule our house! I work a normal 40 plus hour a work week and it's a race against the clock to squeeze everything else into the afternoon that we have to do! I started motherhood at a fairly young age (a lot quicker than I planned) but Kenzie has never wanted for anything & I work my rear-end off to never let it come to that! I've learned a lot of things in my adult life...don't sweat the small stuff, always stay positive...if not the negativity consumes you, family is most important & most definately don't live outside your means! So hang on...I'll keep you all posted on all the crazy things that happen in our day to day lives & how well I'm dealing with my work, my family & oh yeah growing a whole human inside me!

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